Rangers Sarah Kivi and Ranger Lucy Waller report back from Jackson Head and Knight’s Point Tawaki Colonies, also having a good season despite developing El Niño conditions.

Jackson Head and Knight’s Point Tawaki Monitoring 2023


Jackson Head

Aim: Tawaki nests were monitored for survival and breeding success or failure due to predation or other causes, and to assess general chick growth and apparent health as an indication of food supply, etc.

Method: Jackson Head had 17 nest checks completed twice in the season, the first carried out during the egg-laying time, the second in chick guard stage, when one adult remains with the chick and the other goes to sea for food.


Results/Conclusions for the season

Nest checks

The first check showed 16 nests occupied and 28 eggs total and the second check showed 17 nests occupied, 1 failed attempt, 18 chicks including 3 nests with 2 healthy, similar sized large chicks.

A good season for Jackson Head.

Tawaki chick possibly started creche stage.



Knight’s Point

Aim: Tawaki nests were monitored for survival and breeding success or failure due to predation or other causes, and to assess general chick growth and apparent health as an indication of food supply, etc.

Method: Knight’s Point had 14 nest checks completed twice in the season. The first at egg stage and second at guard stage.


Results/Conclusions for the season

Nest checks

The first check showed 13 occupied nests and 20 eggs total and the second check showed 14 nests occupied, 2 failed attempts, 1 nest not breeding, 2 nests with eggs, and 13 chicks including 3 nests with 2 healthy, similar sized large chicks.

A good season for Knight’s Point too.