New Zealand Photography Workshops started out in 2013 and now offer unique tours and workshops across the country.  Their principles are based on not only showcasing New Zealand at its very best but demonstrating to everyone who visits these beautiful places or takes photographs of our indigenous wildlife how special they are and why they need our help to protect and preserve them.  Their very talented tutors and guides highlight efforts being made to conserve them for future generations for those on the workshops and tours, and, as a business, they collaborate with others who share their values and standards, including Qual Mark Gold.

LogoCraig Potton MNZM, West Coast Penguin Trust’s Patron and one of New Zealand’s elite photographers and conservationists, is one of the tutors, including for a recent workshop in South Westland.

NZ Photography Workshops founder, Richard Young, ran the workshop with Craig at the Lake Moeraki Wilderness Lodge, where owner and another of New Zealand’s leading conservationists as well as penguin fan and long-standing supporter of the trust, Dr Gerry McSweeney CNZM, also contributed to the workshop.

photography workshop
Craig Potton MNZM leading Photography Workshop in South Westland and at Lake Moeraki Wilderness Lodge

With Craig and Gerry’s involvement in the workshop, Richard wanted to have an especially good conservation outcome for conservation and was able to make a generous donation to the Trust in support of all the work we do.

Our huge thanks to Richard for his generosity and for sharing our special places and wildlife so thoughtfully, always applying his commitment to sustainability and conservation outcomes.

Find out more about NZ Photography Workshops here.

NZ Photography Workshops images
Recent images from NZ Photography Workshops